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Climate crisis could see a return of malaria

Since the turn of the millennium, 13 countries, including China and Algeria, have declared victory in the war against malaria, joining more than 100 states certified malaria-free by the World Health Organization. The WHO aims to add at least 25 more countries to the list by 2025. But the arc of progress could yet be thrown off course by climate change.

As a result of climate change, malaria-carrying mosquitoes have spread to new areas and might also spread to Europe.

A research team, estimated that climate change could lead to at least an additional 3.6bn people being at risk from malaria by 2071, relative to the at-risk population in 1970-99. Lowe fears complacency may creep into the fight against malaria and heighten the risk of re-emergence. Even parts of Europe where the disease was officially eliminated could see a return of malaria in the future.

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