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Heat pumps are starting to look like a conspiracy against the public!

By: Ronald Balder

British Gas has brought a major obstacle to the UK government's climate change targets into focus, stating that standard heat pumps often fail to heat many properties effectively due to low water temperatures. The company declared it will only install heat pumps if it is confident they can sufficiently heat a property on the coldest days. If a heat pump fails this standard, British Gas will refund the cost. This could prevent millions of homes, particularly those with solid walls, from having heat pumps installed by British Gas, creating a potential setback for the government's goal of fitting 600,000 homes with a heat pump annually by the end of the decade. This development underscores the need for advanced and efficient technology to achieve ambitious environmental targets.

Challenge: for the non-technical regular homeowner/building owner, how do they distinguish between, what is correct info and what is just a false PR, to make the right choice for their space and the planet?

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