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Hybrid Heating

By: Jorma Kukkonen

Combine district heating and heat recovery energy from exhaust air of the building in order to save energy costs.

Hybrid heating systems are gaining traction across Northern Europe for their efficiency and adaptability. Hybrid heating amalgamates two or more heat sources, differing from traditional systems which rely on a single source, such as electricity, geothermal, or district heating.

This innovative system has a hybrid heating substation that combines diverse heat sources, allowing for an energy portfolio best suited to the property's needs. These heat sources can include district heating, geothermal heat, exhaust air heat recovery, heat pumps, solar energy, electric boilers, and oil heating. This adaptability facilitates the use of the most reliable, emission-free heat sources or a combination that is optimal for the property.

HybridHEAT, a product of HögforsGST, is particularly beneficial for large properties, including apartment buildings, commercial spaces, or industrial buildings. The system's scalability even allows for heating of properties comprising several buildings or entire neighborhoods. A smart control system, Fiksu, ensures maximum efficiency and allows for remote monitoring and control.

Among its major benefits, hybrid heating can lead to significant energy and cost savings. It also reduces heating-related emissions. The system’s flexibility allows properties to take advantage of price fluctuations in heat sources, choosing the cheapest one at any given time. Finally, it offers residents hassle-free heating, with a comprehensive technical support system and accurate energy consumption reports.

These developments in hybrid heating technology may revolutionize the way large properties and communities approach heating, ultimately leading to more sustainable and efficient practices.

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