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Immortality-as-a-service? At least a longer, healthier life

According to CB Insights, fresh interest from VCs and tech companies is being generated by the longevity challenge. How to help humans live longer and healthier lives.

Imagine a world where age was truly but a number. Where centenarians are not just commonplace but nimble and healthy, maybe even still working. Society would be reshaped and many economic assumptions upended — for example, pensions and social security would face more pressure while industries would have a bigger workforce to draw upon and more consumers to sell to. How people lived and planned their lives would almost certainly

change dramatically.

According to CB Insights companies are coming at the longevity challenge from numerous different directions, including:

• Tinkering with cellular processes

• Regenerating body parts

• Drug discovery

• Anti-aging supplements (not cosmetic focused)

More investors are taking note as well: dedicated VC funds like Apollo Health Ventures and Life Extension Ventures have recently raised massive funds to pour into longevity companies. Saudi Arabia said in 2022 that it would spend $1B a year on anti-aging research.

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