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Is the legislative storm coming?

By: Niklas Gawlitta

In Germany, the recommendation is made to include ventilation with heat recovery in the Building Energy Law (GEG). With reference to recent changes in the law with regard to hydraulic balancing, etc., we see what influences, movements and impacts can arise. If ventilation is included in the GEG, this could be a huge push for the market. This initiative is pushed and promoted together with Heat Pumps, as Ventilation with Heat recovery works best with a lower outside temperature and Heat Pumps are working more efficient with higher outside temperature.

The most important advantage of living space with heat recovery systems are:

  • Extremely efficient: living space ventilation with heat recovery achieves performance figures (electrical energy used to heat energy recovered) of approx. 11 to 25. The heat pump achieves an impressive 3-6.

  • Complementary: The living space ventilation with heat recovery achieves the highest performance figures at low outside temperatures. This makes it an excellent complementary technology to the heat pump, being more efficient at higher outside temperatures.

  • System-friendly: The power grid can be dimensioned correspondingly smaller by up to 10 GW (by up to 10 GW), the more living space ventilation with heat recovery is installed in new buildings and renovations.

Signal Emotion - Could be combined with us to offer a killer solution

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