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New climate requirements in the Danish building regulations

By: Martin Parker

From January 1st 2023, a number of climate requirements will be introduced in the building regulations in Denmark to reduce the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases from construction. This means, among other things, that for new buildings in the future a climate calculation must be made for the building's climate impact (called an "LCA calculation").

The purpose of the requirement is to make visible how a building affects the climate throughout its lifetime, when looking at the entire life cycle of design and operation. Thus, the requirement must motivate and support the individual builder to make climate-conscious choices for his construction, so that the total emissions from construction are reduced.

The emissions requirement is expected – like the above-mentioned life cycle modules – to be tightened towards 2030, so that construction significantly reduces its overall climate impact.

IMI Hydronic Engineering have a good purpose and will support the builders with the new regulations by lowering the emission of CO2 from their buildings by optimizing the HVAC systems in both new and old public and commercial buildings.

With our TA SMART valves and other Control & Actuation products, the builders and owners can easily measure the energy consumption of the HVAC system and optimize it if needed.

Signal Emotion - Could be combined with us to offer a killer solution

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