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Think it, make it!!! Who are the most innovative companies in 3D printing?

Imagine if anything could be made on demand – to order, in seconds, at home?

Clothing. Maybe you will subscribe to the Prada design platform, which gives you access to thousands of clothing designs. Click to select the one you like, tweak it a little to add some personal flair, and then press print. In 30 minutes you’re trying it on. All for a flat subscription of $100 per month.

Engineering. You need a spare part for a machine. Ordering it from Taiwan could take 30 days. Instead you look up the IP code, and can immediately print one out in your factory. In minutes. Forget global supply chain. Or standardised parts. You can make anything you want.

Healthcare. A heart transplant patient lives on the edge. Waiting for the phone call to say that somewhere, a donated organ has become available that meets your specific blood type and other needs. Instead we can just print one out, using your personal genetic code. We could live for ever?

And it goes on. 10 years ago 3D printing was a gimmick, watching the liquid plastic merge and make a simple ball. 5 years ago Icon launched huge 3D printers that could construct a new home in 24 hours for $4000. 1 year ago Singularity Sushi gave us 3D printed sushi, specifically to match your DNA.

3D printing is ready to transform our world.

Manufacturing. Supply chains. Business models. What you eat, wear, make can be endlessly personalised, made to order, on demand, by subscription.

For a list of companies innovating in 3D printing, check out here..

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