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UK homes are 20% smaller than 40 years ago

Homes are getting smaller according to a new study by LABC Warranty.

The group compared average property sizes across 20 major UK cities. Its research revealed new-build homes have decreased in size by 20% during the past 40 years.

A typical new home now averages 67.8 square metres. The average cost of a UK home is £226,996, meaning house buyers are paying just under £3,396 per square metre.

The number of bedrooms has also fallen in the last forty years with an average of 2.6 bedrooms. That’s a reduction on the 3.53 bedrooms of the 1970s.

The average living room is now 17.09 square metres – that’s down by 1.64 metres in a decade. The size of master bedrooms is reduced by 0.30 metres.

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