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Water battery, a game-changer for renewable energy in Europe

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Switching to renewable energy is key to tackling the climate crisis, but wind and solar energy rely heavily on the weather, creating an inconsistent power supply. Nant de Drance is part of a new generation of "water batteries" which could accelerate the transition by storing energy and stabilizing the electricity grid. Using the latest technology, including variable speed pumped turbines, ‘a water battery’ capable of storing as much energy as 400,000 electric car batteries has come online in a series of tunnels under the Alps. The pumped storage hydropower plant took 14 years to build and cost roughly USD $2 billion. The plant can store approximately 20 hours of backup energy and returns around 80% of the electricity it takes in back to the grid. Best of all the plant repurposed two existing reservoirs meaning less disruption to local ecosystems and rivers.


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